
How To Add Confidence Bands In R

Add Confidence Band to ggplot2 Plot in R (Case)

In this tutorial you'll larn how to draw a ring of confidence intervals to a ggplot2 graphic in R.

The content of the folio is structured as follows:

Let'southward just jump right in:

Case Information, Improver Packages & Default Graph

Take a look at the following case data:

                prepare                .                seed                (                657289                )                # Create data frame in R                x                <-                one                :                100                y                <-                rnorm(                100                )                +                x                /                10                low                <-                y                +                rnorm(                100,                -                2,                0.1                )                high                <-                y                +                rnorm(                100,                +                2,                0.1                )                data                <-                data.                frame                (x, y, low, high)                head(data)                # First six rows of example data              

fix.seed(657289) # Create data frame in R ten <- 1:100 y <- rnorm(100) + ten / x low <- y + rnorm(100, - ii, 0.1) high <- y + rnorm(100, + 2, 0.1) information <- data.frame(x, y, low, high) head(data) # First six rows of example data

table 1 data frame add confidence band ggplot2 r

Have a await at the tabular array that got returned past the previous R syntax. It reveals that our example data is equanimous of 100 rows and four columns.

The variables x and y incorporate the values we will draw in our plot. The variables low and loftier comprise the corresponding conviction intervals to these values.

Delight note that I take created some random confidence values for the sake of simplicity of this tutorial. In instance y'all want to larn more than on how to calculate confidence interval, you may have a wait here.

In order to draw a graph of our information with the ggplot2 package, we also have to install and load ggplot2:

install.                packages                (                "ggplot2"                )                # Install & load ggplot2 package                library(                "ggplot2"                )              

install.packages("ggplot2") # Install & load ggplot2 package library("ggplot2")

Equally side by side step, we can plot our information without confidence band:

ggp                <-                ggplot(data, aes(x, y)                )                +                # ggplot2 plot without conviction band                geom_point(                )                ggp

ggp <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + # ggplot2 plot without confidence band geom_point() ggp

r graph figure 1 add confidence band ggplot2 r

Every bit shown in Figure one, the previous R programming syntax has created a scatterplot without confidence intervals in ggplot2.

Example: Add Conviction Band to ggplot2 Plot Using geom_ribbon() Office

In this example, I'll show how to plot a confidence band in a ggplot2 graph.

For this, nosotros can utilise the geom_ribbon function as shown below:

ggp                +                # Add confidence intervals                geom_ribbon(aes(ymin                =                low, ymax                =                high), alpha                =                0.2                )              

ggp + # Add confidence intervals geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), alpha = 0.2)

r graph figure 2 add confidence band ggplot2 r

By executing the previous R programming syntax we accept plotted Figure 2, i.e. a ggplot2 xy-plot with confidence band.

Video, Further Resources & Summary

Take a wait at the following video of my YouTube channel. In the video, I explain the content of this article in a live session:

In addition, you could have a await at some of the other articles of this homepage. You can detect a selection of tutorials nigh ggplot2 graphs beneath:

  • Add Regression Line to ggplot2 Plot
  • Add Image to Plot in R
  • Add together Greek Symbols to ggplot2 Plot
  • Plots in R
  • Introduction to R Programming

In this R tutorial yous have learned how to add a confidence band to a graphic created by ggplot2. In example you lot have whatever further questions, let me know in the comments.

How To Add Confidence Bands In R,


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