
How To Add A Link To The Navigation Bar In Html

Create navigation bars with cssUsing the CSS navigation bar will allow you to add styles of your choice to your website and will assist you enhance its overall look.

Our CSS experts have gathered all the information virtually the navigation bar in this article and their communication will assist bring major improvements to your website.

Keep reading and you will acquire everything from creating to styling the navigation bar, surely becoming an skilful by the end!

How To Make a Navigation Bar in CSS

The process of making a CSS navigation bar contains 2 steps. The navigation bars in CSS are a list of links, so a standard HTML is used as a base to create that list in the first stride.

In the 2nd footstep, y'all can convert a uncomplicated list of links into a beautiful CSS navigation bar template by using some CSS backdrop.

– Creating a Listing of Links for Navigation Bar With HTML

This is the start step towards building navigation bars in CSS. Since we have to create a list of links, we will utilize <ul> and <li> elements to create an unordered list in HTML. and that will be in the <nav> tag:

<nav grade="navbar">


<li> <a href="#"> Habitation </a> </li>

<li> <a href="#"> Services </a> </li>

<li> <a href="#"> Products </a> </li>

<li> <a href="#"> Well-nigh us </a> </li>

<li> <a href="#"> Contact us </a> </li>



Using the navbar grade is extremely important because if we take more than one <ul> and <li> tags in our code, the backdrop nosotros will write for the styling in CSS will exist applied to all of them. We want those properties to only exist applied to the navigation bar. That's why using the navbar form is a must to differentiate others <ul> and <li> tags from the navigation bar.

Now, this is just an unordered list of 4 links; you can use CSS to catechumen this list into a decent CSS menu bar.

– Turn the List Into the CSS Navigation Bar

Earlier diving into CSS properties, there are a few default settings you tin modify. In the example below, we will admission that navbar class to apply the properties to the navigation bar.

.navbar ul


margin: 0;

padding: 0;

list-style-blazon: none;

text-ornament: none;


Every time the browser applies some default margin and padding value, y'all can change that value or remove it by giving 0 value. This fashion the list-style-type is removing the bullet points as we don't need bullets in the navigation bar. Now yous can use other properties to create navigation bar in CSS. Y'all can change the text, color, size, border, and many other operations using CSS.

We should also mention that yous tin create a horizontal or vertical navigation bar. In this side by side role, we target the horizontal navigation bar.

Styling the CSS Navigation Bar: Calculation Pinnacle, Width, and Font Color

CSS provides you with many properties to style your navigation bar. Let's see some of the essential backdrop you lot demand to create a navigation bar in CSS.

– The Tiptop, Width, and Line Summit of the Navigation Bar

You can set the height of the navigation bar by using the peak: 30px holding. If you desire navigation on full width, yous don't need to use the width property, just if you're going to change the width, you tin can do information technology by using the width: 480 px property. The line height belongings is used to set the superlative of the line box. This property will set the altitude betwixt the lines of text, and the value should exist the same equally the meridian value so that the text appears in perfect proportion.

– The Background Color of the Navigation Bar

For the background color, you tin use the background-color property. That property allows y'all to fill up the color in the whole navigation bar. You can gear up the color by giving the colour's keyword value or giving the color'southward hex code. Using this property in the <ul> tag will exist a horizontal line because <ul> e'er works in horizontal form.

– Fonts Style, Size, and Colour in the Navigation Bar

CSS allows you lot to set up any font way, size, and color with different properties. Font-family enables y'all to select whatever font style and y'all can choose font size and font color by using font-size and colour properties, respectively. The font mode and size target the <ul> tag while the font colour is written in the anchor tag.

– Ready All Your List Elements in a Line

In the case that y'all have all your items in a list class, and if y'all create a horizontal carte du jour bar in CSS, you have to place all the items in a line next to each other. There are two ways that you lot can do this.

The first way of doing it is to use incline holding. This property allows you to set each element of the list to be displayed inline.

The other way of doing this is to utilise the float: left property, which allows you to set all the list items in ane line. If you want your navigation bar items floating from the left side or the right side, y'all tin can set the value accordingly. In most cases, when we float a listing, it overflows over the parent; if you have a background color in the parent, it won't display. So to get back the parent property part, you lot can employ overflow property with auto value targetting the <navbar ul>

– Create Borders Between Links

CSS provides you with the property that y'all tin can use to add borders between your links. Border holding allows you lot to ready the size, type, and color of the border. You tin set different borders like dotted, double, outset, groove, etc.

You can as well select any of them as per your need and set the edge to the left or correct side of the link. Make certain yous use this holding in the 'li' tag considering we are implementing this holding on the listing items.

– Coding Example of Styling the Navigation Bar

Here the nigh important thing you lot need to understand is which property volition be used at where. Some backdrop need to be targeted on the <ul> tag; some should be wrapped for the <li> tag. Then following case define the function of those properties.

CSS Navigation Bar Anchor Link: Styling the Links

The starting time thing we should do in ballast link is to catechumen all anchor tags into blocks from inline by using the display belongings. Additionally, you should set padding for all sides to the ballast links to make information technology wait better. Text decoration is also some other vital property used to remove the underline from the link. The color of the text of the link is also set in the anchor tag.

– Coding Instance Properties Used in the Anchor Tag

.navbar li a {

display: block;

padding: 0 28px;

colour: #ffff;

text-ornament: none;


Hither, the padding is 0 on the acme and lesser side, while 28 pixels are on the right and left sides, and #fff is used equally the hex code of the white colour.

CSS Navigation Bar Hover: Display Selection

Hover is a pseudo-class that is used to select the chemical element the user hovers the cursor over. As you will point your cursor over the push on the navigation bar, it will display the pick as long as your cursor is over there.

You can alter the color of the background or text if you hover. So for that, y'all tin can utilise the aforementioned properties we used earlier simply this fourth dimension in the hover.

– Coding Example of Hover

.navbar li a:hover {

background-colour: #156ee2;

colour: red


In this coding example, we have set blue groundwork color and reddish text colour. Take annotation that when we hover on whatsoever button in the CSS menu bar, the background color and the text color will be changed.

CSS Navigation Bar Active Link: Brandish the Current Folio Link

You would have noticed that when we are on a folio of a website, the respective link of that folio is selected on the navigation bar. To implement this function on your own website, you have to become back to your HTML lawmaking to make these little changes:.

<li form="agile"> <a href="#"> Home </a> </li>

And in CSS, we take to add the following code:

.active a {

groundwork-color: #156ee2;


Hither active class is divers in the first <li> tag; and '.active a' select the chemical element on the page.


We have covered all the areas of making the CSS navigation bar. Allow'due south summarize the disquisitional points:

  • Css navigation barYou tin create a navigation bar using CSS very easily.
  • To create a navigation bar, first, you need to create a list of links and and so style it to give it an ideal look.
  • You can add the margin, padding, background colour, fonts styles, and borders with some CSS properties to brand it look catchy.
  • Yous can too style the anchor links and change the shape of the bar by rounding its corners.
  • Using CSS backdrop, you lot can add different styles on the link y'all are hovering on.
  • You can also highlight the active link by using the active class.

You accept learned everything about the CSS navigation bar, and now you are capable enough to create your own! With our CSS navigation bar guide by your side, your menu bar will look top-notch!

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How To Add A Link To The Navigation Bar In Html,


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